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This research on the quality of life of obesity patients in South Indian communities was conducted to determine the impact on their lifestyle and the etiology of the disease. This research is conducted to recognise the classification of overweight and obesity as a major risk factor and to identify the epidemiology and reasons for overweight and obesity increases. To understand the outlines for the control and prevention of obesity. The offline survey was conducted, and the data of 117 obese patients was entered in an electronic Google Form containing 21 questionnaires. A suitably designed data collection form was used to collect all the necessary information. The clinical outcome of the patient was measured at the end of the study. The individual patient’s signature was taken on the consent form. The obtained data was subjected to suitable statistical analysis.The results were statistically analysed through pie charts. Through which we recognised that obese patients were mainly suffering from arthritis and high blood pressure. The main cause was due to genetics and hormonal imbalance when the patients underwent medication such as rosuvastatin or atorvastatin. Our research on South Indian communities revealed that over half of the population suffers from overweight or obesity, with body mass index being crucial. People engage in exercise and dietary changes for better health. We observed higher obesity rates in females and urban residents and emphasized the need for public health strategies focusing on healthy eating, physical activity, and environmental interventions.


Obesity, class (I,II,III), case study, quality of life, impact




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“EXPLORING OBESITY’S IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE WITHIN SOUTH INDIAN SOCIETY”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 2025, https://doi.org/10.25004/.



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How to Cite

“EXPLORING OBESITY’S IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE WITHIN SOUTH INDIAN SOCIETY”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 2025, https://doi.org/10.25004/.

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