Volume 13, Issue 5, 2021
Research Article
Bio profiling of Antibacterial activity of Punica granatum L.: An Ethnonutraceutical Against Cariogenic Streptoccoci
Abstract Display: 816 /
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Formulation and In vivo studies of Clopidogrel by Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System
Abstract Display: 506 /
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Anti-obesity Activity of Extract of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Root in High Fat Diet-induced Obesity in Rats
Abstract Display: 554 /
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A QbD assisted modified release formulation of Midodrine Hydrochloride for management of long-term hypotension
Abstract Display: 484 /
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Anti-colon Cancer Activity of Parkia javanica (Lamk.) Merr. Bark Extract: An In-vitro Study
Abstract Display: 714 /
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Design Development and Characterisation of Mupirocin Loaded Emulsion Based Gel
Abstract Display: 440 /
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Anticonvulsant Activity of Helianthus tuberosus Against Maximal Electroshock Induced Convulsions in Rats
Abstract Display: 436 /
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Studies on Nephroprotective effect of Methanolic and Aqueous Extract of Bark of Pithecellobium Dulce Roxb. in Rats.
Abstract Display: 420 /
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Identification of Potential anti-dengue lead from Nilavembu through in silico study
Abstract Display: 554 /
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